Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bill Aitchison tours the Benelux

Back again, artist Bill Aitchison is unstoppable! He will tour Belgium and the Netherlands with Working Titles in November.

Bill performing 2012 at the Koninklijke Schouwburg
Den Haag in March 2009 (c)Boris Kahnert

In Working Titles the future is continuously under construction. Words and people make suggestions, proposals and interpretations while offering provisional or working definitions of what is happening. Who is leading whom? Where does meaning reside in this dance between what the word says and what the stage shows?

Practical information:
* 6-7 November: Playground Festival STUK, Leuven BE

* 19 November: Ainsi Maastricht NL

In addition to the above performances Bill Aitchison is working with two of his long-term collaborators, Ivana Müller and Katja Dreyer on their new performances this Autumn as an artistic advisor. You can see the shows in Amsterdam and in Mechelen.

*13 October: Ivana Müller 60 Minutes Of Opportunism - Frascati Amsterdam NL

*14 October: Katja Drejer Ueberflieger - Nona Mechelen BE

For more information about Bill Aitchison's work, visit his website:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Melanie Wilson at the Amsterdam Fringe in September 2010!

It is a great pleasure for me to announce that Melanie Wilson will be in Amsterdam from 3 to 6 September 2010 with her intimate performance Iris Brunette. You may remember that I wrote about her wonderful performance back in Edinburgh last August (you can read the short piece on this blog).

For more information visit the Amsterdam Fringe website.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bill Aitchison is back in the Netherlands.

After a successful Dutch Premiere in Groningen in October (see previous post), Bill Aitchison will be back in the Netherlands from 2 to 5 March 2010 with his performance 2012. Visit the Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag website for all practical information.

Also read his interview on this blog about 2012.